Idea Contributions
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College Transcripts & Work History

Information for my college education directly associated with my two degrees is given here. My work history, summarized in my resumé, is accessed on this web page, also.

Coding History: In the 70's, I have trained on computers where FORTRAN-77 code was loaded into a mainframe on punch cards. Along the way, laptops became ubiquitous running executables coded in Java, C++ & C#. I'm an engineer / physicist by training. In the past, I have specialized in numerical analyses, modeling phenomena in the real world.

Offer: If you think my programming talents can help your project, please contact me @ the information supplied to the left.

Formal Education:

BS in Mechanical Engineering @ GA Tech
tsBSMEng.pdf (Fall 1978 to Fall 1982)
MS in Physics @ VA Tech
tsMSPhy.pdf (Fall 1983 to Summer 1987)

Formal Testing:

Graduate Record Examinations (
Physics Subject Test
tsGREPhy.pdf (April 1997)

Professional Work History:

Resumé while working @ Dahlgren, VA
jefgResume.pdf (1983 to 1995)

Note: For external software accessed on this webpage:
$70/yr - Wikipedia online encyclopedia.
Please make a modest donation if you find any above software useful. (full list @ lstFreeware.pdf)