Idea Contributions
Everett George expatiates on...

Educating All

Brief study guides below outline how I obtained good college grades in my Science / Technology / Engineering / Mathematics (STEM) courses.

Study tips, advantages of education diversity, the metric system, the hyperbole of Trigonometry / Calculus & US politics of education are discussed in these articles. For the courageous, a brief introduction to Quantum Theory is also given.

Work & Hobby Ideas

My formal education influenced my chosen field & the contributions I made. An article of my idea development of weapon zone storage along with other supporting examples can be accessed here.

In my retirement, I have investigated modeling of interstellar space travel near the speed of light using Special Relativity (SR). I also document applying Electromagnetism (EM) using Einstein's SR Field Tensors. For the curious, I have a write-up on how computer chips work. These articles are included below.

  • STEM knowledge is a collection of good ideas from imperfect people.

  • If good ideas are communicated, recorded & taught in English, then one can comprehend them in English.

  • If ideas are explained, but not understood, perhaps specific nomenclature is not understood. Relearn w/humility!

  • In general, STEM requires honesty, integrity, sincerity from its participants. Nature proves the dishonest wrong.

  • STEM knowledge advances best from courageous students who choose the most difficult areas of study & score A's in that!

Question:Should I study Shakespeare or Galileo?
Answer:Read eduHype.pdf!

How to Study:
      eduNames.pdf | Lots of Scholars' Names.
eduLabels.pdf | A Subject's Nomenclature.
eduTips.pdf | Tips for Studying.
Measuring with Metrics:
eduMetric.pdf | Four Helpful Metric Numbers.
eduScales.pdf | A SI Metric System Survey.

What is Calculus? Begin your STEM journey here...
      eduCalculus.pdf | Projectile Ballistics (Galileo).
eduCalculus.xlsx | Projectile Ballistics spreadsheet.
eduPlanets.pdf | Planet Orbits (Newton).
An Intro to Trigonometry...
eduTrig.pdf | The Study of Triangles. Fun!

Promoting Diversity:
      eduRadiator.pdf | Finding Antiquated Nomenclature.
eduDiverse.pdf | Diversity Examples in Engineering.
eduThermo.pdf | Thermo makes a mistake!
eduPlanck.pdf | See if you like the Quantum World!
Improving STEM Education:
crdHiSchool.pdf | Public School STEM Topics.
crdResearch.pdf | Collegiate & Research

intSRel.pdf | Introduction Report
artFiringZones.pdf | ASNE Naval Article (1991)

The file accessed below is taken from CalcLib. This source code has a Lesser GNU License for free software. Its ToDo List includes quality examples like for all CalcLib class applications in the C++ template distribution.

Special Relativity for Space Travel
      rptSRel.pdf | SR with Runge-Kutta Report. | SR Runge-Kutta C++ Implementation.
rptGo2c.pdf | Why is c the Speed Limit?
Dahlgren Vector Equations
equSRel.pdf | Collected SR Equations.
equSRel.odt | LibreOffice format. | Partial C++ Software Check.

Analog Topics
      rptMaxwell.pdf | Maxwell's Equations Formulation.
rptLorentz.pdf | Einstein's Field Tensors Application.
Digital Electronics
rptDigital.pdf | Computers: a great EM Application.

Global Warming is the event of a millennia that we must overcome!

rptMetals.pdf | Earth-Friendly Containers

Note: For external software accessed on this webpage:
$20/yr - Doxygen code documentation maker.
$50/yr - GNU Licenses for free software.
$50/yr - LibreOffice productivity suite.
$25/yr - W3 Consortium character standards.
$70/yr - Wikipedia online encyclopedia.
Please make a modest donation if you find any above software useful. (full list @ lstFreeware.pdf)